영어공부중 아마 가장 난이도가 높은것을 꼽으라고 하면 영작문이 아닐까 합니다. 한글로 글을 쓰라고 해도 어려울때가 있는데 영작문을 하라고 하니 스페링부터 문법까지 머리가 아파오지요. 하지만 영작문도 리스닝 스피킹과 같이 자주 쓰고 연습하다 보면 실력이 훨씬 좋아지는것을 느끼실수 있을것입니다. 개인적으로 영작문이 아마 가장 자신의 실력향상을 적날하게 보여주지 않나하고 생각해 학생들에게 영어 일기부터 시작해 영어 에세이등을 연습할것을 추천하는 바입니다. 오늘은 간단한 영어 에세이 예문을 남기고 갑니다. 한번 읽어 보시면서 어떤식으로 자신의 의견을 서술해 가는가 배워보세요. :)
Write an essay indicating to what extent you agree or disagree with the statement below.
영작문 주제 : Limits should be set on the amount of time children spend looking at screens.
In today's world, new technology has become an integral part of our lives, and it has also led to children spending a significant amount of time in front of screens. While some people argue that encouraging children to engage with technology is essential to prepare them for the future, I believe that we should set limits on screen time to protect children's health and wellbeing. There are several reasons why I hold this opinion.
Firstly, it can be challenging for people of all ages to control their screen time, as there is an unlimited amount of interesting content on the internet, and algorithms provide a constant stream of new material. However, it can be especially difficult for children, who often lack the maturity and self-control to limit their screen time. The constant availability of new and exciting content can make it challenging for children to step away from their screens, even when it is time to do so. The same holds true for adults who may find it challenging to resist the temptation of their screens.
Secondly, spending too much time on electronic devices can have a detrimental effect on children's health and wellbeing. This is a critical age for children to develop basic life skills, and prolonged screen time can prevent them from meeting other kids and engaging in outdoor activities. It is crucial for them to interact with real people and spend time outside to maintain a healthier mind and body.
Lastly, limiting screen time can help children learn self-discipline. They will understand when to stop and create a plan for their daily routine instead of aimlessly spending too much time in front of screens. This will enable them to manage their time better and develop a structured daily routine.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that it is crucial to set time limits for children's screen time. This will help them control themselves, lead a healthier lifestyle, and create a disciplined daily routine.
영어단어 : Intergral 필수적인, 내장된, 완전한 / Detrimental 해로운
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